Dear Diary,
It’s been one month since She ball premiered. As I sit here writing this I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m bawling my eyes out. What a journey. Man, what a journey.
I had a dream since I was a little girl to be in a movie like love and basketball. I said it would be my first film. Little did I know that it would come to fruition. I have many dreams for my career, love, and my life as a whole but very few have manifested. That’s not to say this is a pity party because my life has been a blessing even when I’ve felt completely broken, undervalued, and confused. Every turn has led me to who I’m meant to be. Every lesson I have learned from. Every choice was purposeful even if it didn’t feel like it at the time.
I am honored to have been chosen for this role. I am honored to be a part of the message it conveys. I am honored to be among the wonderful souls who were involved in this film. I am honored to do my part in making a difference in this world and showing acceptance in every way shape or form. I am honored that God made me the woman he did.
God gave me a soul full of love with the purest intentions. God gave me a sound mind and a listening ear. God gave me a kind hand to offer others. God gave me a heart that doesn’t die even when it’s broken. God gave me a fighter inside me with so much tenacity and resilience I am unmatched. God gave me a life I’ll be grateful for until my very last breath.
My dream came true... it really came true, yet there’s many more dreams I have left to do. A long long road I have wandered that led me to a place I’d only pondered. Thank you God for this gift. Thank you for the people & opportunities coming into my life that I have yet to see and thank you for creating me. I promise to leave this world better than I found it.